This is a list that I found on internet that gives out the most popular or accepted Epic songs.
An epic song would normally be unusually long with a specific theme that focuses on history or human emotion or politics or war or maybe some other serious topic (mostly anything other than love).
For me Iron Maiden is the band that introduced me to Epic songs. Hallowed Be They Name, Dream of Mirrors, Phantom of the Opera, Rime of the Ancient Mariner.. almost every Maiden has a epic song (maybe sans Killers).
But lately I have found out a new type of epic song. 'Take No Prisoners' by Megadeth. Whaat!!!!!!! Seriously...
Well I do think so. And why is that? I am no expert in music literature so cant really comment on the technicalities. But that is how I feel. I mean in just 3 minutes and 26 seconds this astonishing thrasher is a war song with all its sense.
The initial Gang vocal chorus along with super fast and choppy machine gun speed guitar gives a head start to the song. Then comes the bass solo and takes the song into another dimension.
Then comes the mid part of the song explodes with literal war lyrics “going to war, give ‘em hell, D-Day, next stop Normandie” and eventually ends with twisting the JFKs speech "Don't ask what you can do for your country?Ask what your country can do for you." The track just explodes and obliterates everything that uplift the sense of aggression.
The song structure being so simple yet so difficult to play (maybe because of the breakneck speed at which it is played) just makes up keep guessing throughout as almost none of the verses are repeated at any point of time.
I am sure Iron Maiden would have made this song at least 10 minutes longer. Man! Would love to heat that version too!!