Who Feels Love?

Who Feels Love?
Oasis - Band that changed my life

Monday, May 12, 2008

Why Me?

How often you feel "I wanted this thing." But exactly opposite happens. And then you wonder "Why me God?".
I dont know why ?
Maybe we are so much engulfed in our own prejudices that we fail to foresee what lays in store for us. Even when we can see it clearly, we just dont want to see it or rather believe it. And this leads to our dissappointment.
Sometimes maybe we know that whatever we are doing is wrong, but however we try we cannot stop ourselves from doing it.
And sometimes bigotry may lead us to our disgrace. But the saddest thing is that there is no cure for one untill the person himself faces one of the consequences and realises his mistake". OR he is strong enough to ralise and accept that he needs to change his outlook towards life.
Sounds so simple!!! But equally difficult to put it into practicality.

Do we entangle our life too much just to be free?

This just makes me wonder how much more complex our human mind is which has led the human being in the victory over other creatures on this earth.

One last hope
To rise and break away
Above the fading line
Way beyond the ties that bind
This I know
The risk is worth the gain
It's worth the sacrifice
Way beyond the ties that bind

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